Filby Village Hall

Make a Booking
Click on 'Hire' again to see a drop-down menu for Prices, Terms & Conditions, How to Pay and Advice on Booking.
Online Booking
Please use the link to our Hallmaster booking system to make your booking.
If you have not used our Online Booking system before, a link to a video of how to use it is displayed on our Booking Advice page.
If you have any problems you can contact us on filbyvillagehall@btinternet.com.
Our standard booking conditions apply. Please view our Terms & Conditions page.
Booking by Email
Please use the link, here to download a Hire Form
Complete and sign it then you should make a scan (or take a photograph) of all pages and attach them to an email which should be sent to…
Booking Secretary : Stacey Ledgerwood
Email : filbyvillagehall@btinternet.com
If you are unable to scan or photograph, you may still make your request by email. Your email must include your full name and address, the email address to which our response must be sent and details of your hire request i.e. facility, date & time requested, the nature of your event and your best guess as to the number of your guests.
You should, also, have downloaded, read and understood our Conditions of Hire and Information for Hirers documents.
You will receive an email asking you to agree our terms and conditions. Your booking cannot be confirmed until we receive your positive response.
Our standard booking conditions apply. Please view our Terms & Conditions page.
Booking by Post
Please use the link, here to download a Hire Form
You may send the completed Hire Form by mail to…
Stacey Ledgerwood,
Booking Secretary, Filby Village Hall
C/o Filby Post Office
Main Road,
Great Yarmouth,
NR29 1AA
Alternatively: Completed Hire Forms may be left at the Post Office, marked for Stacey's attention.
Our standard booking conditions apply. Please view our Terms & Conditions page.